Initial home page:
Meets MWF 10.00am-10.50am in room 210 on the second floor of the J. F. Hicks Memorial Library.
The original syllabus is available, and notes will be posted as available.
Homework problems are posted in each session’s notes.
Miller, Charles D.; Heeren, Vern E.; Hornsby, John; and Morrow, Margaret L. Mathematical Ideas, tenth edition. Addison Wesley, 2003. ISBN 0-321-16808-9
Standard 10-point scale, 3 points on either side for -/+ grades.
The homework is 20%, three mid-term exams are 20% each, and the final counts for 40%. This adds to 120%; the final counts as two 20% scores, and the lowest 20% score is dropped.
Some problems will be given in every class. The week’s problems will be collected on the following Monday.
Mathematics is a social endeavour. Groups are encouraged, but everyone must turn in their own work. At some point, you will be asked to present a homework problem and its solution to the class.
Also, there may be solutions available for problems. But try tackling the problem yourself (or with your group) first. Practice is important.
Write out sentences and not sequences of expressions. Explain your approaches. This class is as much about the reasoning process as the results.
Groups are fine, turn in your own work. Homework is due in or before class on Mondays.
Note that you may email homework. However, I don’t use MicrosoftTM products (e.g. Word), and software packages are notoriously finicky about translating mathematics.
If you’re typing it (which I advise just for practice in whatever tools you use), you likely want to turn in a printout. If you do want to email your submission, please produce a PDF or PostScript document.